First Start Windows Installation Mac OS X Installation Linux Installation Network Play Configuration FAQ Redistribution

Command Reference

Available console commands/config file settings:

VIEWPORT_TO_PLAYER_1         Assign this viewport to a player
VIEWPORT_TO_PLAYER_2         Assign this viewport to a player
VIEWPORT_TO_PLAYER_3         Assign this viewport to a player
VIEWPORT_TO_PLAYER_4         Assign this viewport to a player
COLOR_R_4                    Cycle and wall color, red component. Changing it during a game directly is unsupported ( But activating the ingame menu helps ).
COLOR_G_4                    Cycle and wall color, green component. Changing it during a game directly is unsupported ( But activating the ingame menu helps ).
COLOR_B_4                    Cycle and wall color, blue component. Changing it during a game directly is unsupported ( But activating the ingame menu helps ).
CAMWOBBLE_4                  Lets the internal camera move with your cycle
AUTO_INCAM_4                 Automatically switch to internal camera in a maze
FAV_NUM_PER_TEAM_PLAYER_4    The favorite number of players per team for this player
NAME_TEAM_AFTER_PLAYER_4     If set, the team is named after the leading player
SPECTATOR_MODE_4             Sets spectator mode for this player
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_4_1      Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_4_2      Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_4_3      Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_4_4      Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_4_5      Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_4_6      Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_4_7      Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_4_8      Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_4_9      Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_4_10     Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_4_11     Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_4_12     Instant chat available with hotkeys
ALLOW_CAM_4_0                Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_4_1                Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_4_2                Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_4_3                Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_4_4                Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_4_5                Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_4_6                Allow/forbid the different camera modes
START_FOV_4                  Initial field of vision
START_CAM_4                  Initial Camera
CAMCENTER_4                  Center internal camera on driving direction
PLAYER_4                     Player name
COLOR_R_3                    Cycle and wall color, red component. Changing it during a game directly is unsupported ( But activating the ingame menu helps ).
COLOR_G_3                    Cycle and wall color, green component. Changing it during a game directly is unsupported ( But activating the ingame menu helps ).
COLOR_B_3                    Cycle and wall color, blue component. Changing it during a game directly is unsupported ( But activating the ingame menu helps ).
CAMWOBBLE_3                  Lets the internal camera move with your cycle
AUTO_INCAM_3                 Automatically switch to internal camera in a maze
FAV_NUM_PER_TEAM_PLAYER_3    The favorite number of players per team for this player
NAME_TEAM_AFTER_PLAYER_3     If set, the team is named after the leading player
SPECTATOR_MODE_3             Sets spectator mode for this player
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_3_1      Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_3_2      Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_3_3      Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_3_4      Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_3_5      Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_3_6      Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_3_7      Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_3_8      Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_3_9      Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_3_10     Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_3_11     Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_3_12     Instant chat available with hotkeys
ALLOW_CAM_3_0                Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_3_1                Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_3_2                Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_3_3                Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_3_4                Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_3_5                Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_3_6                Allow/forbid the different camera modes
START_FOV_3                  Initial field of vision
START_CAM_3                  Initial Camera
CAMCENTER_3                  Center internal camera on driving direction
PLAYER_3                     Player name
COLOR_R_2                    Cycle and wall color, red component. Changing it during a game directly is unsupported ( But activating the ingame menu helps ).
COLOR_G_2                    Cycle and wall color, green component. Changing it during a game directly is unsupported ( But activating the ingame menu helps ).
COLOR_B_2                    Cycle and wall color, blue component. Changing it during a game directly is unsupported ( But activating the ingame menu helps ).
CAMWOBBLE_2                  Lets the internal camera move with your cycle
AUTO_INCAM_2                 Automatically switch to internal camera in a maze
FAV_NUM_PER_TEAM_PLAYER_2    The favorite number of players per team for this player
NAME_TEAM_AFTER_PLAYER_2     If set, the team is named after the leading player
SPECTATOR_MODE_2             Sets spectator mode for this player
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_2_1      Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_2_2      Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_2_3      Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_2_4      Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_2_5      Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_2_6      Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_2_7      Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_2_8      Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_2_9      Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_2_10     Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_2_11     Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_2_12     Instant chat available with hotkeys
ALLOW_CAM_2_0                Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_2_1                Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_2_2                Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_2_3                Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_2_4                Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_2_5                Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_2_6                Allow/forbid the different camera modes
START_FOV_2                  Initial field of vision
START_CAM_2                  Initial Camera
CAMCENTER_2                  Center internal camera on driving direction
PLAYER_2                     Player name
COLOR_R_1                    Cycle and wall color, red component. Changing it during a game directly is unsupported ( But activating the ingame menu helps ).
COLOR_G_1                    Cycle and wall color, green component. Changing it during a game directly is unsupported ( But activating the ingame menu helps ).
COLOR_B_1                    Cycle and wall color, blue component. Changing it during a game directly is unsupported ( But activating the ingame menu helps ).
CAMWOBBLE_1                  Lets the internal camera move with your cycle
AUTO_INCAM_1                 Automatically switch to internal camera in a maze
FAV_NUM_PER_TEAM_PLAYER_1    The favorite number of players per team for this player
NAME_TEAM_AFTER_PLAYER_1     If set, the team is named after the leading player
SPECTATOR_MODE_1             Sets spectator mode for this player
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_1_1      Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_1_2      Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_1_3      Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_1_4      Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_1_5      Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_1_6      Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_1_7      Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_1_8      Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_1_9      Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_1_10     Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_1_11     Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_1_12     Instant chat available with hotkeys
ALLOW_CAM_1_0                Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_1_1                Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_1_2                Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_1_3                Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_1_4                Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_1_5                Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_1_6                Allow/forbid the different camera modes
START_FOV_1                  Initial field of vision
START_CAM_1                  Initial Camera
CAMCENTER_1                  Center internal camera on driving direction
PLAYER_1                     Player name
FLOOR_BLUE                   Floor color
FLOOR_GREEN                  Floor color
FLOOR_RED                    Floor color
MOVIEPACK_FLOOR_BLUE         Floor color
MOVIEPACK_FLOOR_GREEN        Floor color
MOVIEPACK_FLOOR_RED          Floor color
GRID_SIZE_MOVIEPACK          distance between gridlines when moviepack is active
GRID_SIZE                    distance between gridlines
MOVIEPACK_WALL_STRETCH       The distance of the vertical lines on the moviepack walls
FADEOUT_NAME_DELAY           Time the player names are shown. Set to 0 if you don't want to show them at all or -1 if you want to show them always.
SHOW_OWN_NAME                Should your own name be shown above your cycle, too?	
SCORE_SUICIDE                What you get for stupidly dying
SCORE_KILL                   What you get for killing someone
SCORE_DIE                    What you get for dying
CYCLE_PING_RUBBER            Additional niceness for high ping players
CYCLE_RUBBER                 Niceness factor to allow you drive really close to a wall
CYCLE_BRAKE                  Brake intensity
CYCLE_SOUND_SPEED            Sound speed divisor
CYCLE_WALL_NEAR              Maximum accelerating wall distance
CYCLE_ACCEL_OFFSET           Minimum numeric wall distance
CYCLE_ACCEL                  Wall acceleration factor
CYCLE_DELAY                  Minimum time between turns
CYCLE_START_SPEED            Initial cycle speed
CYCLE_SPEED                  Basic speed of your cycle if you drive straight and not close to walls
CYCLE_BRAKE_DEPLETE          Rate at which the brake reservoir depletes when you are braking
CYCLE_BRAKE_REFILL           Rate at which the brake reservoir refills when you are not braking
REAL_CYCLE_SPEED_FACTOR      The currently active cycle speed multiplier. Leave it alone; change speed_factor instead.
START_NEW_MATCH              Initiates a new match
PING_CHARITY                 how much ping are you willing to take over from your opponent?
MAX_IN_RATE                  maximum network input rate
MAX_OUT_RATE                 maximum network output rate
CUSTOM_SERVER_NAME           name of the server to connect to
LADDER_GAIN_EXTRA            Ping dependent ladder extra score for the winner
LADDER_LOSE_MIN_ON_LOAD      Minimum of you ladder score lost on each load
LADDER_LOSE_PERCENT_ON_LOAD  Percentage of your ladder score lost on each load
LADDER_TAX                   Percentage of the ladder pot the IRS takes
LADDER_PERCENT_BET           Percentage of your score you put in the ladder pot
LADDER_MIN_BET               Minimum score you put in the ladder pot
TALK_TO_MASTER               Announce this server on the internet?
SP_EXPLOSION_RADIUS          Blast radius of the cycle explosions
SP_WALLS_LENGTH              Length of the cycle walls in meters; negative values will make the walls infinite.
SP_WALLS_STAY_UP_DELAY       Number of seconds the walls stay up after a player died; negative values will keep them up forever.
SP_TEAM_BALANCE_ON_QUIT      Balance teams on player quit?
SP_TEAM_BALANCE_WITH_AIS     Balance teams with AI players?
SP_TEAM_MAX_IMBALANCE_PERM   Maximum allowed permanent team imbalance
SP_TEAM_MAX_IMBALANCE        Maximum allowed temporary team imbalance
SP_TEAM_MAX_PLAYERS          Maximum number of players per team
SP_TEAM_MIN_PLAYERS          Minimum number of players per team
SP_TEAMS_MAX                 Maximum number of teams
SP_TEAMS_MIN                 Minimum number of teams
SP_WIN_ZONE_MIN_LAST_DEATH   Minimum number of seconds since the last death before the instant win zone is activated
SP_WIN_ZONE_MIN_ROUND_TIME   Minimum number of seconds the round has to be going on before the instant win zone is activated
SP_FINISH_TYPE               What happens when the last human is dead?
SP_GAME_TYPE                 Type of game played
SP_SIZE_FACTOR               Arena size modifier
SP_SPEED_FACTOR              Speed modifier for the cycles
SP_AUTO_IQ                   Automatically adjust AI IQ?
SP_AUTO_AIS                  Automatically spawn AI players?
SP_AI_IQ                     IQ of the AI opponents
SP_MIN_PLAYERS               Minimum number of players
SP_NUM_AIS                   Number of AI players
SP_LIMIT_SCORE               End the match when a player reaches this score	 
SP_LIMIT_ROUNDS              End the match after this number of rounds
SP_LIMIT_TIME                End the match after this number of minutes 
SP_SCORE_WIN                 You get this when you win a round in the single player highscore hunt
EXPLOSION_RADIUS             Blast radius of the cycle explosions
WALLS_LENGTH                 Length of the cycle walls in meters; negative values will make the walls infinite.
WALLS_STAY_UP_DELAY          Number of seconds the walls stay up after a player died; negative values will keep them up forever.
TEAM_BALANCE_ON_QUIT         Balance teams on player quit?
TEAM_BALANCE_WITH_AIS        Balance teams with AI players?
TEAM_MAX_IMBALANCE_PERM      Maximum allowed permanent team imbalance
TEAM_MAX_IMBALANCE           Maximum allowed temporary team imbalance
TEAM_MAX_PLAYERS             Maximum number of players per team
TEAM_MIN_PLAYERS             Minimum number of players per team
TEAMS_MAX                    Maximum number of teams
TEAMS_MIN                    Minimum number of teams
WIN_ZONE_MIN_LAST_DEATH      Minimum number of seconds since the last death before the instant win zone is activated
WIN_ZONE_MIN_ROUND_TIME      Minimum number of seconds the round has to be going on before the instant win zone is activated
FINISH_TYPE                  What happens when the last human is dead?
GAME_TYPE                    Type of game played
SIZE_FACTOR                  Arena size modifier
SPEED_FACTOR                 Speed modifier for the cycles
AUTO_IQ                      Automatically adjust AI IQ?
AUTO_AIS                     Automatically spawn AI players?
AI_IQ                        IQ of the AI opponents
MIN_PLAYERS                  Minimum number of players
NUM_AIS                      Number of AI players
LIMIT_SCORE                  End the match when a player reaches this score	 
LIMIT_ROUNDS                 End the match after this number of rounds
LIMIT_TIME                   End the match after this number of minutes 
SCORE_WIN                    What you get for winning a round
DEDICATED_IDLE               after running this time (in hours), the dedicated server takes the next chance to quit.
MOVIEPACK                    Use the moviepack if available
ZTRICK                       Performance tweak; does not work on most Windows systems
MOUSE_GRAB                   Grab the mouse pointer, so it can't leave the window
REAL_ARENA_SIZE_FACTOR       The currently active arena size. Leave it alone; change size_factor instead.
WRAP_MENU                    If set, you leave a menu to the top and reenter it at the bottom.
SPARKS                       Draw sparks when going too close to a wall
TEXTURES_HI                  Use high color textures
PREDICT_OBJECTS              predict cycle movement in network play
LAG_O_METER                  Draw Lag-O-Meter in network play
INFINITY_PLANE               Use infinite points (Does not work properly on most Windows systems)
SKY_WOBBLE                   Sky animation
LOWER_SKY                    Draw lower sky plane
UPPER_SKY                    Draw upper sky plane
DITHER                       Use dithering
HIGH_RIM                     Draw high rim walls
FLOOR_DETAIL                 Floor detail settings
FLOOR_MIRROR                 Floor mirror mode
SHOW_FPS                     Enable fps display
TEXT_OUT                     Enable console text output
SMOOTH_SHADING               Enable smooth shading
ALPHA_BLEND                  Enable alpha blending
PERSP_CORRECT                Enable perspective correction
POLY_ANTIALIAS               Enable polygon antialiasing
LINE_ANTIALIAS               Enable line antialiasing
MESSAGE_OF_DAY_4             Message sent to clients
MESSAGE_OF_DAY_3             Message sent to clients
MESSAGE_OF_DAY_2             Message sent to clients
MESSAGE_OF_DAY_1             Message sent to clients
GL_VENDOR                    OpenGL system information
GL_RENDERER                  OpenGL system information
GL_VERSION                   OpenGL system information
GL_EXTENSIONS                OpenGL system information
TEXTURE_MODE_3               Font:
TEXTURE_MODE_2               Object Textures:
TEXTURE_MODE_1               Wall Textures:
TEXTURE_MODE_0               Floor Texture:
LANGUAGE_SECOND              fallback language if the first language is not available
LANGUAGE_FIRST               the language Armagetron will use 
WIN_ZONE_INITIAL_SIZE        win_zone_initial_size_help
WIN_ZONE_EXPANSION           Expansion speed of the instant win zone
CAMERA_SERVER_CUSTOM_PITCH   Position of the custom camera: how much does it look up/down?
CAMERA_SERVER_CUSTOM_RISE    Position of the custom camera: how much is it moved up from the cycle?
CAMERA_SERVER_CUSTOM_BACK    Position of the custom camera: how much is it moved back from the cycle?
CAMERA_CUSTOM_PITCH          Position of the custom camera: how much does it look up/down?
CAMERA_CUSTOM_RISE           Position of the custom camera: how much is it moved up from the cycle?
CAMERA_CUSTOM_BACK           Position of the custom camera: how much is it moved back from the cycle?
CAMERA_FREE_START_Z          Start position of the free camera
CAMERA_SMART_START_Z         Start position of the smart camera
CAMERA_FOLLOW_START_Z        Start position of the fixed external camera
CAMERA_FREE_START_Y          Start position of the free camera
CAMERA_SMART_START_Y         Start position of the smart camera
CAMERA_FOLLOW_START_Y        Start position of the fixed external camera
CAMERA_FREE_START_X          Start position of the free camera
CAMERA_SMART_START_X         Start position of the smart camera
CAMERA_FOLLOW_START_X        Start position of the fixed external camera
CAMERA_FORBID_FOLLOW         Forbids the use of the fixed external camera on all clients
CAMERA_FORBID_FREE           Forbids the use of the free camera on all clients
CAMERA_FORBID_SERVER_CUSTOM  camera_forbid_server_custom_help
CAMERA_FORBID_CUSTOM         Forbids the use of the custom camera on all clients
CAMERA_FORBID_IN             Forbids the use of the internal camera on all clients
CAMERA_FORBID_SMART          Forbids the use of the internal camera on all clients
FLOOR_MIRROR_INT             Intensity of the floor mirror effect
NEW_TEAM_ALLOWED             Is it currently allowed to create a new team?
URL                          HTTP url assiciated with a server
KICK                         Kicks the specified player from the server
SILENCE_ALL                  if set to 1, all chat messages will be omitted.
PASSWORD_STORAGE             Determines where your passwords are stored: 1 means on harddisk (dangerous), 0 in memory and -1 means they are not stored at all.
PASSWORD                     password setting
SOUND_SOURCES                number of sound sources to be heard at the same time
SOUND_QUALITY                sound quality 0=off, 3=high
SOUND_BUFFER_SHIFT           Buffer size multiplier
MIN_VOTERS                   number of voters that need to be online to enable voting.						
ALLOW_VOTING                 if set to 1, voting will be allowed.
VOTING_DECAY                 one non-voter is ignored everytime this many secons pass
VOTING_START_DECAY           number of seconds after that the non-voters start to get ignored.
VOTING_TIMEOUT               votes older than this time out and are rejected.
CENTER_MESSAGE               Prints a big message on the screen of all connected clients
CONSOLE_MESSAGE              Prints a message on the console of all connected clients
MAX_CLIENTS                  Maximum number of network clients to accept
NEW_FEATURE_DELAY            Disable features that only came in during the last X protocol versions.
BACKWARD_COMPATIBILITY       Maximum number of old protocol versions to support.
CLIENT_PORT                  Port we try to connect to
SERVER_PORT                  Port this server listens on
SERVER_NAME                  Name of this server
BIG_BROTHER                  Did we already send the big brother information?
SPAM_MAXLEN                  maximal length of chat message.
SPAM_AUTOKICK                spam score that causes you to get kicked instantly.
SPAM_PENALTY                 number of seconds to silence a spammer.
SPAM_PROTECTION              harshness of spam protection; determines min delay between chat messages accepted.
KEYBOARD                     keyboard settings
COLOR_STRINGS                Print colored strings
USE_DISPLAYLISTS             use display lists for rendering the cycles?
SOFTWARE_RENDERER            Is the OpenGL renderer not hadware accelerated?
FAILED_ATTEMPTS              Number of failed attemts to initialize graphics mode
LAST_CHECK_ERRORS            listen to errors claiming a video mode does not exist, last successful init
CHECK_ERRORS                 listen to errors claiming a video mode does not exist
LAST_ZDEPTH                  z buffer depth, last successful init
ZDEPTH                       z buffer depth to use (0: 16 1: from color depth 2: 32)
LAST_COLORDEPTH              color depth, last successful init
COLORDEPTH                   color depth to use (0: 16 1: desktop 2: 24)
LAST_FULLSCREEN              fullscreen or windowed mode, last successful init
FULLSCREEN                   fullscreen or windowed mode?
ARMAGETRON_LAST_SCREENMODE   last screen resolution
ARMAGETRON_SCREENMODE        Screen resolution
CUSTOM_SCREEN_ASPECT         Custom screen aspect ratio ( pixel width/pixel height)
CUSTOM_SCREEN_WIDTH          Custom screen size
CUSTOM_SCREEN_HEIGHT         Custom screen size
VIEWPORT_CONF                Viewport configuration; decides how many players can play on this computer
INCLUDE                      includes the following file
FIRST_USE                    is this the first time you use Armagetron?

This document was created by Manuel Moos

Last modification: Tue Oct 14 09:46:42 CEST 2003

First Start Windows Installation Mac OS X Installation Linux Installation Network Play Configuration FAQ Redistribution